Wednesday 9 April 2008

'Things to Do in Donegal' postings - WHY?

Why start 'Things to Do in Donegal' postings?

Well, as I wait for the renovations to begin I thought I could dedicate some time to sourcing as much information as I can about various activities available in Donegal. The reasons for this project is two fold: one - I will eventually need the information for future guests at Daisy Cottage to save them doing lots of homework on the area prior to their visit or even having to begin searching when they get here, and two - it is something I have long intended to do to add to my website. And now my Daisy Cottage project and the knowledge that I will need the information to be ready once we are ready to rent to future guests has given me the kick up the derriere I needed to get going on it!

Having just completed the 'Things to Do in Donegal - GOLF' posting, I can see it is going to be quite labour intensive. That particular posting took me around six solid hours of research to find all the information there. I always check and double check information I find, whether I find it in magazine articles, newspapers or on the net, thereby ensuring I can get the most accurate and up to date information possible.

So, yes, I can see it is going to be hard work but the result of that work means I can post the information with a degree of confidence that it is accurate and will be helpful to visitors to our county.

The 'Things to Do in Donegal' which I am currently working on is 'Fishing'. The research is going well but there are so many outlets for this particular hobby, compiling it all is quite labour intensive so it may take another week to add. Future 'Things to Do in Donegal' will include such things as horseriding, surfing, hillwalking, adventure sports, diving, and so on.

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