Wednesday 15 April 2009


I love daisies which is probably why Daisy Cottage is so named. Daisies remind us summer is on the way and that spring has truly arrived. What a way to welcome in these seasons!

At the weekend I could not resist taking lots of pics of little daisies as everywhere seemed covered in them. There is something about daisies that is reminiscent of childhood days, sunny days with these pretty little flowers all around. There is an innocence about them but under that innocence they are hardy little flowers which can pop their heads up on all sorts of ground from soft meadows, to velvet lawns, to stoney ground.

This poem by Emily Dickinson says it beautifully about the little daisy:

The Daisy follows soft the Sun --
And when his golden walk is done --
Sits shyly at his feet --
He -- waking -- finds the flower there --
Wherefore -- Marauder -- art thou here?
Because, Sir, love is sweet!

Apparently those who love daisies are happy optimists and I do think I fit that category just fine.

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